Difference between DMR Tier 1, 2, and 3

Dec 24,2021

DMR Tier 1 vs Tier 2 vs Tier 3

Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) is an international digital radio standard developed by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). It has 3 different DMR standards: DMR Tier 1, DMR Tier 2, DMR Tier 3. Today we are going to say the difference between DMR Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3. 

DMR Tier 1 features:  

• It uses 446 MHz frequency band in Europe and US. This band is licence free band.

• ETSI specification defines two time slots in 12.5 KHz channels as per TDMA structure.

• The DMR Tier-1 devices transmit maximum power of 0.5Watt. It is used for low power transmission devices.

DMR Tier 2 features: 

• It uses 66 to 960 MHz frequency band.

• This licenced band is used for mobile phones and conventional radio systems.

• DMR Tier-2 is direct replacement for analog conventional radio.

• This mode can use repeater to extend the radio coverage.

• This mode is used for high power transmission devices.

DMR Tier 3 features: 

• It uses 66 to 960 MHz frequency band.

• It supports both voice and data transmission simultaneously.

• It operates in trunking mode.

• Supports packet data services including IPv4 and IPv6 formats.

• Supports short messaging services.

• It extends the coverage of the radio to wide area.

• It replaces analog radio system with digital trunked mode.

• DMR Tier-3 is used for variety of applications such as SCADA, remote monitoring and control, automation etc.

As a global leading technology and solution provider of mission and business critical communications, BelFone Communications provides full series of radio equipments range from DMR Tier 1, DMR Tier 2 to DMR Tier 3.

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